A recent conversation with a friend got me thinking about my future. Your future.
As human beings, human livings, human doings, we have this constant refresh button in our minds that recalculate after every step. When we move forward, where are we moving to? What's the next BIG experience that we are about to discover? It's all such scarily unknown territory but we move forward, towards it anyway.
My friend is in constant recalculation of his future. Every step he takes is in a positive direction, but then his mind stalls for that split second to reassure himself that, "Is this really the right direction I am moving forward to?".
I blame this type of thinking on the over ambitious lives we lead. The constant media that shows us flashy things, driving us to be more accomplished. Unfiltered adverts of you WANT this, but at the next corner its no, you NEED this. Our upscale of thought is also generated by the company and conversations we surround ourselves in.
I have now been in Joburg for two weeks and already the here, now, be in the moment thinking is fast forwarding to the next big thing. Yeah, sure I am here. Two feet on the ground behind a desk groomed with Social Media. Creating copy for every brand imaginable. Selling lifestyles, putting the choices in your wallet for your next grocery shop. But distantly future altering moments pop into my head - that age old question of, "Where to next?"
As far as I am concerned, there are only two choices that we have control of in our life: To do or to don't.
Our future is governed not by our capabilities but by our will. I look at my friend who has all the capabilities in the world an a will as strong as the wind. But with any will it's about filtering out all of life's grabbing hands and thinking clearly about the next steps. Blinkering out the screaming crowd and focusing on the finish line and having the will to do so.
My mini goal solution is the only way to feel like we have control of our forward moving steps. Little stepping stones of experiences and analyzing them at each goal post. It's impossible to full speed ahead without becoming fatigued and overwhelmed, and often we lose sight of the here and now behind the big rush.
You know, life is funny in the way that it will pop up these thought provoking experiences just to make you come back down to earth and breath. Listen to these moments of life insight, or what I like to call, Life In Sight. If you have a million things you see yourself doing in your life, do them. Map out a life path, give yourself flags to collect at every stop. Only by seeing a tangible future (no matter how big or how small) you will find yourself there.
Ideas for life mapping:
Write it down.
Mark down what you see yourself doing right now. Look for the gaps of mini posts that you can squeeze the WANTS into. Little by little a perfectly mapped mini future will rise in front of you, one thing I can guarantee is that as soon as you see this shopping list in full tangibility, it'll start to take shape. That's a sneaky subconscious for you.
Vision boards.
Some of us are visual creatures. Not text planners, lists can give some of us that hyperventilation sensation. Start with a simple reassessing of goals, values and dig deep into "if I could live life anyway I could, without the monitory stress, how would I live?". Dig out those magazines and grab at pictures and words that make you feel like you, that give you that rush of an open window before a storm. Place them on a board and feel your subconscious respond to a life you have just created. Look at it everyday and soon enough, well, you'll see.
I think that the bottom line is, stop being so frustrated with the thought of your future. It hasn't happened yet. And I bet, Future you is going to be pretty stoked how it all turned out.
For more information about vision board classes go to: Heilahealth. co.za to book a class. It's really quite a fun way to spend a morning.
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