

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hysteria - Day 2

An hour ago I would have written about how rediculously, crazy my day had gone. How I just pushed through it like a little trooper, finding a good rhythm to cocking my gun. As more mails came in, my humorous steel stare turned into a really, real crappy mood. Just shut up and die, day.

But that was then...

Have you ever laughed so hard that every muscle in your body seems to be laughing with you?

The more I heard my happy noises echo off my lonely walls, the more hysterical it all became.

It was loud.

That moment of pure joy and delirium at someone else's expense. The more I paid attention, the crazier I sounded. Lonely, loud, snot and snorts type of laughter. Then the clutch-tummy-tears , OH! The wail of words that fell out of my mouth as I tried find a pause to breathe. My manic bout of heaves.

I wave in the dogs direction and try begin an explanation through my hyena squeaks. But it's all too much. I think I have found a numb point, then it replays. Here we go again..

I. Just. Can't.

You know exactly what it's like, you have been there. And what's even more ridiculous, it stems from that shiny piece of technology you are holding in your hand.

Damn you Autocorrects.

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