

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Inspiration, who?

I had to ask myself yesterday, whilst sitting in a pile of my own to-do list, where does this inspiration to create awesomeness come from? As once explained in a TED video by author Elizabeth Gilbert, inspiration is like a breath of wind whooshing through an open window, we can either choose to let it float past us or inhale it and let it transpire through our veins and use it to create something us.

Inspiration comes in different forms for different people but the way in which we look at the world around us can determine whether we embrace this wind of inspiration or let it float by to the next available soul that is willing to take it in. I for one have been feeling this excitement to do more with my life almost everyday. From the great African skies on my drive home to the song selection on my iPod. I see inspiration come to me from my best friend's words over a late coffee, I feel it like soft hands searching for pleasure on a loved ones torso, inspiration so close it's like the last exhale before a first kiss.

If inspiration had a friend I would call her Love. As the only way in which I can explain this feeling of being over come with inspiration is the same I have felt when falling in love. It is an overwhelming energy of mixed emotions, nerves, expectations and aspirations. A frustration of confusion with no marked path to take.

So what do we do when we find that inspiration is swirling around us like a cyclone Irina? Do we look up into the sky, laugh and thank the universe for this over flowing awesomeness then get back to our scheduled lifestyle? Or do we pick up a pen, write an email, strum our guitar and use it to create a better life?

We start.

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