1. Needing to wee when I am in the middle of a really good dream.
2. 5FM on weekends. KB - enough said.
3. Drivers that sit on my bum when there is a whole other lane free. They can see I drive an old car so why do they even bother? Meh.
4. Being broke at the end of the month - serious case of FOMO sets in.
5. People playing music form their cellphones. It's called earphones, hello!
6. Doing the dishes. I can't. I JUST can't.
7. Aliens. There is no possible way that they exist. Then again there is. Eeek!
8. People that repeat you but make it sound like it was their idea.
9. Beetroot. Yuckies galore! Don't even bring that pink/purple/red stuff near me!
10. People talking about/posting photos of their babies on Facebook. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Unsubscribe. I am way to young for this.
Don't be hatin' on them aliens! They can hear you! *X-Files music*
And I have a faaantastic Jamie Oliver recipe for beetroot, ginger and orange cake that I'm dying to make, will bring you some ;)
Haha. Agree. Agree. Agree.
Except about the beetroot. It's not thaaaat bad.
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