

Monday, February 20, 2012

Life, among other things...

Let's talk about taking chances. How many of you out there have done something so out of your shell that it shocked those around you? Did it work out to be one of the most awesome experiences of your life? I bet it did.

I am turning 25 this year. Yes, I am still viewed as a little girl with many more experiences to encounter but jeez man, I am fully wide awake to the fact that in FIVE years I will be THIRTY. Five years is not a whole lot of time to take chances and 'fingers crossed' decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. But, is it ok to sometimes think, "What if I don't have it all figured out by then?" Will I be thirty, still single? Happily single? Married?! Working a job I only half love? Will I even have a job?! Would I have set up a house in SA? Will I even be in SA? And scarily of all, will I even be alive?

Have you ever looked back on your life and gone, I didn't do that. I would NEVER have done that, but you did. It wasn't dejavu honey, it was frikken real. It seems like everyday that I see my 20 year old self, her carelessness, her utter joy out of life and think, gosh she really did have it all sorted out. What happened? Well, one big regret happened, one which would have probably changed where I am today.

Taking chances with love. Two years ago I applied for a position as Beauty Editor at very well known international teen publication. I was tired of Durban, and ready for a move, a change, an opportunity to grow my talent. I flew to Cape Town, knowing that an interview over Skype would have sufficed but I needed this. So I took a chance. During this time I had met a guy in Durban and fallen head over heels in lust. He knew about this job opportunity and supported my decision. But, his support was littered with selfishness.

I got the job. I got the job I had dreamed about, a one way ticket to a door that was lying open waiting for me to walk in and I turned it down. I turned it down for a one month old relationship that had me clouded over in little smoke bombs of lust.

Eight Months later we ended it. I was jobless, single and heart broken. With no flashing red arrow pointing me in any direction.

The moral to this life experience still haunts me today, as I know that I broke down a lot of bridges whilst taking that chance. But, (there always has to be a but in a good and bad situation) I learnt one thing that will forever carve the path I walk on. Never give up something that will better you for the sake of another person. If that person loves you enough, you will find a way to work it out. Take a chance on your own life, not someone else's.

So here's to the next five years. May it be spontaneous, eventful and may I have at least taken one chance on my own life that will change it forever.

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