

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Until next year... Ou revoir!


1. Overcame a break up (and survived)

2. Learnt that saving money is VERY important for those times of need e.g. End of a LOOONG month.

3. Friends are like diamonds. Very rare, extremely pretty and are valuable in times of need, especially when you’re ready to sell your soul. (However they do sometimes prevent you from doing such things).

4. This is not the month to start your resolutions … at least there are 11 months left!

5. Nothing is more special than spending a day with your mom. Moms ROCK! They too can enjoy
things that young ones do. E.g. Ride a bike on the promenade. GO MOM!

6. This is the best time of the year, sunshine, long days, and a car with no aircon to soak it all up in. (Literally, sweat = yuck.)

7. I do love my job.

8. Books are so much better than TV

9. New Years are for risks, I dyed my hair, totes getting another tattoo and maybe skinny dip somewhere!

10. Don’t look for LOVE when you aren’t ready. It won’t come and you will end up attracting them dodgy fellows. (Sorry dodgy fellows, but you are rather dodgy.)

Oh February, the month of ♡. Just be kind please.

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