

Monday, November 21, 2011


Our office first felt the Glambox experience a couple of months ago when the poor courier guy walked into a screeching giggle of girls. "Glambox!", "Our Glambox is here!", "Glamboxeeeeee". It was honestly the most intriguing, scary and all at the same time, most jealous experience I have ever witnessed. What is this Glambox, you screech of? Then there right in front of my eyes, I beheld the sheer beauty of tiny little glamsicles in a pretty pink box.

What is a Glambox?

Glambox is the brain child of beauty and online experts that have also been in the frustrating world of product envy. They know what it's like to feel overwhelmed with the sheer quantity of products and brands that all paw at our attention.

It was created to help us sort through the clutter of phony brands, find new ones and rediscover old favourites. It is the ideal way to find products and brands that work best for our individual needs, especially when they are cheap enough to experimenting with.

So how do you get your titivating talons on a Glambox?

Become a member at Glambox. Submit your delivery details, make payment and complete your beauty profile. Then each month, you'll receive a variety of 4-5 samples that have been picked directly from the beauty experts themselves. You'll receive anything from skincare and makeup to cult beauty tools, from well-known brands as well as emerging gems.

So for a little insight into the world of the beauty obsessed, I have just the sneak peak for you... (Many thanks to one of the lovely ladies in the office that wrapped hers up just so you could all awe in its glamorousness) 


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